Monday, January 17, 2011

Survey of The Day - Choose 1) working environment 2) high salary

Jan 17th 2011

Start my 3rd week in Sabah here. Today i just half day of my work cos i'm sick.... fever plus the stomachache, nice combination. Since i back home early, i suddenly have a question in my mind.

Since this world have a "Fair Rules" that state when you got something, you need to pay something for it. So i have a survey for you guys here...

A nice working environment but low paid.
Is hard to save money to getting marry and buy the things you want but you are working in the environment that you always wish for.


A bad working environment but high paid.
Trip, buying or marry is not a matter to you anymore. You can easily get what you wish for but in return you need to work under a environment that you don't like at all.

Which option that you will choose?

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