Saturday, January 8, 2011

I met myself...

Jan 8th 2011
A sun light shining through the curtain gaps, makes a brand new day begin. Yup is saturday!!! My 1st weekend at sabah here. Still have nothing to do on weekend, not like at ipoh.Normally i'll planning to go having a drinks with friends or go for movie with my dear. Even maybe my dear will said:- "I wan go "Hang Gai Gai" ( go for shopping ). So this saturday will be totally different. Going back to office to get done some works. Then have my lunch, after that straight going back to my bed have a rest and keep watching anime until night time comes.

So finally the night is really came to. Still have no plan, just bringing the laptop and sit at the seaside. Everytime i see the sea, it's will makes my home sick getting serious but it also makes my mind calm down for a while. So i just start up my laptop and writing today's diary.

Suddenly got a foreigner come sitting near my bench. After a while our silent environment is gone with the words, "What a nice shoes you got there!!". YUP! it's coming from my mouth... So the conversation between us is begin.

I found out the he also traveling alone, far from Germany to Malaysia here. He like nature a lot. He also sharing a lot of things with me. About his life, travel experience or even his thinking. We do have a long chit chat times. Have learn a lot from him. The funny is i found out he is the same kind with me. I mean his personality. Even the thinking also almost same. That's why we can be a good chit chat partner at the 1st meeting. The sad is he going to leave tomorrow to Sandakan.

Having a friend like this really makes my time past faster. So i just going back to my bed again. I think this just make my days end...

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