Sunday, January 23, 2011

Journey To The Riverside

Jan 23th 2011

Sunday but not holiday... this always happen on me one. I need to work 7 days a week sometimes but since i'm so free so why not? Today i have my another journey to riverside. The trip begin at 12.30pm.

Today to tired to write so long so i just make it simple. Just want to share the pictures only.

So after 45 mins drive from Kota Kinabalu, we reach our destination. Sorry guys for i already forget the name of the place... So once we reach we just park our car just next to the river side. While my colleague have their smoking section, i have my photo shooting section.

view from the smoking area

Also form there you can see the entrance of the "Hanging Bridge". We need to use it for getting across the river to reach the opposite side.

looks like we need to getting past a forest again by walking

At this moment, i suddenly think of my dear. I think he she around here she will keep said her regular sentences. Which is "FAST FAST HELP ME TAKE PHOTO!!!!", because once you get on the bridge you will see this....

view from the beginning of the Hanging Bridge
also this

view from the bridge to the rive and the forest
don't have crocodile or not ^o^

You see, a nice nature environment like this you think my dear won't keep snapping? It's impossible. HA HA HA. Anyway... we still need to go up a stairs to reach another NS Kem. Since i have to carry all the things so i don't have my 3rd hand to taking photo...

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