Sunday, January 23, 2011

Journey To The Riverside

Jan 23th 2011

Sunday but not holiday... this always happen on me one. I need to work 7 days a week sometimes but since i'm so free so why not? Today i have my another journey to riverside. The trip begin at 12.30pm.

Today to tired to write so long so i just make it simple. Just want to share the pictures only.

So after 45 mins drive from Kota Kinabalu, we reach our destination. Sorry guys for i already forget the name of the place... So once we reach we just park our car just next to the river side. While my colleague have their smoking section, i have my photo shooting section.

view from the smoking area

Also form there you can see the entrance of the "Hanging Bridge". We need to use it for getting across the river to reach the opposite side.

looks like we need to getting past a forest again by walking

At this moment, i suddenly think of my dear. I think he she around here she will keep said her regular sentences. Which is "FAST FAST HELP ME TAKE PHOTO!!!!", because once you get on the bridge you will see this....

view from the beginning of the Hanging Bridge
also this

view from the bridge to the rive and the forest
don't have crocodile or not ^o^

You see, a nice nature environment like this you think my dear won't keep snapping? It's impossible. HA HA HA. Anyway... we still need to go up a stairs to reach another NS Kem. Since i have to carry all the things so i don't have my 3rd hand to taking photo...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Journey Into Nature

22nd Jan 2011

My phone alarm was ringing at 6am in the morning. Need to wake~~~ So as usual i brush my teeth, changing the cloths, waxing my hair and get everything in ready. Also have my 2 mins morning walk to my office but the different is i've to wait one of my colleague come to fetch me. Is time to start my journey to another 2 country side town.

1st destination - Tuaran
The journey start from shop to have some kuih for breakfast. Then we get started to drove into a forest. After a 20mins drive, we reached Tuaran town. The town is small (since it located at outskirt) but we didn't stop down and we continue to the our 1st destinations. The one of the NS Kem in Sabah. So around 2 hours of road show, we packing and get ready to out 2nd destination. Nothing much at 1st actually...

2nd destination - Kota Belud
So we continue our destination through a little hill. When we reach to the little hill top, (not so high compare with last week one) and we decided to stop by on the hill top cafe and have our lunch before continue our journey. So while waiting for our foods coming, i just simply take out my old style handphone and take this pic!!!

taken from the place i sit!!!

After finish our lunch, get down from the hill top to reach to the ground again, after few mins drive we reach our final destination. The 2nd NS Kem. So while the other colleges busy on giving a speech, i curi curi take this pic!!!

actually there's a sea behind there~~~ sorry for my old camera phone

The kem is just beside the seaside. So quite windy at there. Another 2 hours past and the our road show of today officially done. So one of my colleague asking for a drinks before we going back to town. having a cup of Teh Tarik at the country side is totally different taste. Is good also sometimes we leave the city and have a short trip to country side. Just for relaxing... Highly recommend!!!! So tomorrow will have another journey to another small town...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Artistic Thinking Blooming - My Little Secret Review

Jan 19th 2011

Time past fast. Today already the 3rd week i'm at here. Another week to go before i can going back to my home and meet my dear.

Within this period, i've change a lot. Found out myself is getting tough day by day. I also have met a lot of people. Especially foreigner. Never thought that i'll meet a lot of foreigner before. Is kind of fun!!! Getting know different kinds of people from different country. Germany, UK, US, Australia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japanese and a lots more. Suddenly felt this world is really big!! And also makes my artistic thinking keep growing.

Never tell people before that i really like to get know and research on human thinking, culture and most of all their every past history. I always believe that history is making people change. And because of change, there is a history. That's why i like to snapping people back. I also like to share my past with anyone cos i also believe that my past might is a good lesson for those who didn't walk a same path with me. Sounds complicated right?

The more i getting know people, the more artistic i am. I even started have weird daily activity such as sitting at some place and watching the people that past by. I like can see a lots walking diary keep passing in front of me. I will even start think of their history also. Like today i saw a man sitting at the seaside watching to the sea for some time. I keep watching him... at the same time i was thinking is he have a sad story that he want to share? or he have a very suffer day that he wish to release. No matter what is the story like... the summary is he need a company that he can talk with. That's conclude on my research on human that CONFIRM one universal rules. That rules is...


Hope this kind of artistic thinking won't make me become a weirdo ^o^

But i still will release my artistic thinking into a inspiration form. From there sometimes i can get something like this:-

An inspiration comes from my research on a girl world...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Survey of The Day - Choose 1) working environment 2) high salary

Jan 17th 2011

Start my 3rd week in Sabah here. Today i just half day of my work cos i'm sick.... fever plus the stomachache, nice combination. Since i back home early, i suddenly have a question in my mind.

Since this world have a "Fair Rules" that state when you got something, you need to pay something for it. So i have a survey for you guys here...

A nice working environment but low paid.
Is hard to save money to getting marry and buy the things you want but you are working in the environment that you always wish for.


A bad working environment but high paid.
Trip, buying or marry is not a matter to you anymore. You can easily get what you wish for but in return you need to work under a environment that you don't like at all.

Which option that you will choose?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The True Face of "HUMAN"

Jan 16th 2011

My 2nd sunday at here. Yup.... i sick... flu and fever... Not like usual have my dear to take care me. Now i've to take care myself alone. That's why i spend my whole day in the room only. Some more, i also have no place to go.

Today i have read a blog of my friend. In her blog she mentioning that the pressure of her works and also the unfair on some cases. It's answering some question of mine. A question that have been in blurring mode for long time.

Have 2 person that i really respect and really thankful to them. I always be so grateful and felt very licky to get knowing them.

Not until today.

Don't know since when i started keep asking myself. Is it this 2 person is really helping me on anything? For a long time i didn't get the answer. Until today... i think the answer become more clearer to me. The answer is...NO.

What i found out is that this 2 my respectful persons, actually is just using me around. They don't even help me once. Is true that they got give me a lot of chances, teach me a lot of things and even help me a lot. But the truth is there are some motif at behind the scene.

Actually after i coming to Sabah here, i keep asking myself that is it this is what i want? Is it the right way that i choose? Until this second this questions still remain a question mark. But 1 thing that i can confirm. Is that i TRUST a wrong people.

Not much but just 2 weeks time. I've been trained from a weak person to a cruel person. Actually i love a peaceful life, but people around me keep forcing me to the cliff side. There is just 2 ways in front of me. 1, jump of to the cliff or 2nd  choice, stand up and fight back that anyone step in front of me.

I think after today, i have my own new way, my own rules and my own decision. At here i take this opportunity to thanks that 2 person. Is you 2 who teach me how to be fight. But is you 2 also who teach me to fight you back....

Above is the artwork that i present to both of you...

The God is fair... today you have been using me... but as i know... you both also been using by some one that you trust with all your heart. Human reality is SELFISH. They just will keep using each other to get what they want. Cos everyone in this century have a CHAOS HEART as the artwork above...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Journey To The Misty Hill

Jan 15th 2011

Another weekend in Sabah. Or should say as my 2nd weekend in Sabah. Saturday... what a wonderful day in everyone life. For me i have to work...

Today my college is going to have a education fair in one of the NS training camp in Tambunan. (one of the country side of Sabah). This camp is located at the up of the hill... so i have to follow my colleague car to go up there. The journey quite long... it takes around 1 and the half hour to reach there. Quite high the hill... i think it's more higher than cameron highland that located at my home town.

At 1st everything just fine, We reached the training camp and have a roughly 1 hour something exhibition and then back down to the KK city. On the journey back, 1 of my colleague wish to buy some fresh vegetables at there, since it at the hill, for sure have a lot of fresh vegetables for sales. Suddenly we found a very interesting car. Is a adventure car, (since i don't know what is the car name ^^). All my colleague keep taking photo with that car and at last myself also have been force by my colleague to take one also even i don't like to.

After around 20 mins of photo snapping session then we continue our journey back down to the city. It started raining and even the fog is getting thicker. Because of that we been force to stop by at the one of the food court around there due the fog is quite thick until we can't drive anymore. My ear at that time also quite pain due of the air pressure. Plus the raining the whether quite cold also.

35 mins has been past. The fog is getting lesser. So we can continue our journey. The day is getting dark. Sabah here will getting quite dark at 7pm. Just like 8 pm at ipoh. So when i reach my hostel is already 7.20pm something. Finally i reach home... How good is that...

P/S: my ear still in pressure mode even i reach on my bed... can u inmagine how high the hill there... ^^

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11111 - Abang Basah of the Day

Jan 11th 2011

Jan 11th 2011 also known as 11111, for many people this date will be a romance date or some is a memorable date because 11111 i think it will be once in a lifetime. But for a child called Bin Bi, is the day that he met his Abang Basah in his life.

As usual, the clock shown that almost 7 o'clock. For me is my dinner time. But it's raining outside. Still, i have to get my dinner cos i already so hungry. So i walk out, have see which stall that i shall visit today. Just on the way to my decided stall, i saw a child that across the street. He standing at the roadside and keep crying. Since i'm so free, so i've decided to look what had happen. I found out that he was separate with his parents when on the way to a shopping complex. Since he keep crying i'm try my best to calm him down 1st, but the truth is myself also don't know what can do for him since i also new at here.

So i ask him what his name? He gently answered, "Bin Bin". Then i keep ask him question so he can concentrate at answering and stop the crying. After a while, i cross the road buy him a hot milo with a bun. Since it's still raining, for sure i'm totally wet from head to toe. I  keep accompany Bin Bin at the same spot cos i believe that his parents sure will finding him around this area. So i just keep tell him that his parents will appear soon enough.

After almost half and hour FINALLY!!! his parents appearing in front of us. The 1st thing of cos is the touching scene ever. The mother hug his boy tide along with his father. His parents jeep thanking me for taking care Bin Bin. They even offer me a dinner but i reject them since i'm not asking any repay from them.

Just before they go, Bin Bin turn back and shout "Terima Kasih Abang Basah"... HA HA HA Abang Basah... i never though i got a name like this but it's really warm my heart. At least is a kinds of thanks that Bin Bin special make for me.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happening Sunday!!!

Jan 9th 2011

My sleep wake up by some musical sound. Someone playing the instrument outside my room window. Then my curiosity makes me get off from my bed and go near the window. Once my hand open the curtain, i can't believe what have in front of my eyes. Is SUNDAY MARKET!!!. The whole Gaya Street ( the street name that staying now ) filled with stall from head straight to the end. Normally like street is filled with cars but now it's fill with a lots of peoples and stalls. Since my sunday didn't have any plan so i decided to go have a walk.

Lots of things that they selling. Foods, drinks, cloths, crafts, etc.... Normally a market like that can easily found at my home town, so it quite normal to me. Until i saw a stall selling a purse... Purse for us for sure is a normal things in our life but the purse that i saw was make by a real frog skin. What i mean is a complete frog with it legs and body. Just have a zip on it's stomach. Scary man~~~ Without staying long at that stall i continue my exploration of the day. Then i came with a stall that selling craft. It selling a customize wood make sign. You can choose your own alphabet to form a name or whatever words that we like!!!. So i have make one for my dear rooms, as shown as picture below ^^

YUP!!! the layout is totally design by me!!! Have few customer like my layout so they just asking me to make fews for them.. since i'm a designer, why not!!!?

How i wish my camera is with me T.T...  so i can snapping all my favorite people "BACK"!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I met myself...

Jan 8th 2011
A sun light shining through the curtain gaps, makes a brand new day begin. Yup is saturday!!! My 1st weekend at sabah here. Still have nothing to do on weekend, not like at ipoh.Normally i'll planning to go having a drinks with friends or go for movie with my dear. Even maybe my dear will said:- "I wan go "Hang Gai Gai" ( go for shopping ). So this saturday will be totally different. Going back to office to get done some works. Then have my lunch, after that straight going back to my bed have a rest and keep watching anime until night time comes.

So finally the night is really came to. Still have no plan, just bringing the laptop and sit at the seaside. Everytime i see the sea, it's will makes my home sick getting serious but it also makes my mind calm down for a while. So i just start up my laptop and writing today's diary.

Suddenly got a foreigner come sitting near my bench. After a while our silent environment is gone with the words, "What a nice shoes you got there!!". YUP! it's coming from my mouth... So the conversation between us is begin.

I found out the he also traveling alone, far from Germany to Malaysia here. He like nature a lot. He also sharing a lot of things with me. About his life, travel experience or even his thinking. We do have a long chit chat times. Have learn a lot from him. The funny is i found out he is the same kind with me. I mean his personality. Even the thinking also almost same. That's why we can be a good chit chat partner at the 1st meeting. The sad is he going to leave tomorrow to Sandakan.

Having a friend like this really makes my time past faster. So i just going back to my bed again. I think this just make my days end...

Friday, January 7, 2011

SABAH day#02

Jan 7th 2011

Sunny day here. Today was the sixth day that i was in Sabah. Quite free this few days on my working, cos a lot of things still not be setting up. I though that i will be need to take some time to get use the environment here but the truth is i felt so familiar with here. What i mean is i felt like nothing new to me. The only thing is i getting a disease call "HOME SICK". Yesterday i've been vomit twice. Maybe the sick is getting worse. Still miss a lot of my love one. I keep calling her just for warming up my heart but as i know she's not going to like it. So i'm try to get control with this. How i wish can faster the time to get this month end cos i'll get back to my home on 30th  this month.

At this moment i wish my childhood cartoon character is really appear in my life. That's Doraemon. Hope he can borrow me his magic door so i can go back to my family and me dear side.

At night my sister calling me from home. She told me that my car that i left at home is going wrong. The car light suddenly turn on and the alarm getting on by itselves. My aunty take my car key and it not letting my aunty open the door. Finally she giving me a call then i ask her to use key to open the door and take out the battery. I think my car miss me a lot until she getting mad. HA HA HA. I miss u too u know.... be a good car at home ok??

Sleeping alone, eating alone and even shopping alone. For some people this kind of life is quite enjoyable but for me it's like a disaster. Creating this blog actually is just a diary. I'm not planning that this blog is going to be popular or sharing with others. Is just i want to let my feeling out on the wordings so i can feel more better. The only medicine for this is just online. Lucky my hobby is playing with my PSP and watching some anime through online. The best part of day is the webcam time with my dear. Saw her in the webcam acting cute really make me warm. How good if the monitor screen don't have the glass, so i can put my hand on her face to tell her how much i love her... I LOVE YOU LOW POH

The Day of Begining

Jan 2nd 2011
Early in the morning. The weather quite cool, i have my final packing before leaving my home to a totally new world to me. Is the beginning of my tough day. Which means, today i have to leave my friends, family and my love one at IPOH and going to Sabah to have my new career. It's really tough for me to go since i love my home so much. I driving my love one Persona, from my home to the bus station. I hope the way to the bus stop can be longer cos the more i near the destination the more heavy my heart going to be. At last, a waterfall is created on my eyes. I'm trying to be tough in front of my girl but failed to do so. I know is a tough time for her also but as for our future, i need to be cruel for this time.

Finally we reach the bus station, the bus is not yet there. I'm was sitting in the car and keep holding my girl hand tide. How i wish i can bring her along with me. After few minutes, the Bus-Of-Separate appear at behind of our car. I carry out my luggage and give my girl a goodbye hug and kiss with the water keep falling from my eyes. At this moment i wish to jump down from the bus and go home.

The time past. I reach the KL airport, LCCT and then take the flight to my final destination, Sabah. After few hours of travel, finally i reach there. My leg touch the ground,still with the heavy heart but have to force myself to keep walking on the road ahead. Here's the beginning of my new life...